Manifest Magic with Ashlie Redmond

Episode 15 November 06, 2020 00:44:57
Manifest Magic with Ashlie Redmond
The Journey with Ashlie Redmond
Manifest Magic with Ashlie Redmond

Nov 06 2020 | 00:44:57


Show Notes

Post Election; Aftertmath of Mercury Retrograde Libra and Full Moon in Uranus. Unexpected chaos. Mercury stationed Direct on Election Day briging confusion and justice to the equation. Mercury Direct in Libra: too much judgement. Aquarius Era begins in December: New Vision with Jupiter & Saturn moving into Aquarius the sign of freedom & accceptance. Scorpio Season brings light to our darkness as wecontinue with the Sun in Scorpio. Interview with Tarot Healer Jamie Lynn Wilson: Healing and accepting the Shadow side and empowering your sexuality. Jamie shares her story og healing her shadow and becoming a healer. We discuss being a in your feminine power and dating. Tarot message for the week by Jamie Lynn. Instagram: To Book a reading: Follow me on Instagram

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